1/20/2022 11:33:59 AM Phone hacking whistleblower appeals against sentence By Liam Walker KC Jennifer Robinson Investigative journalist and crime author, Graham Johnson, has had his application for permission to appeal against sentence heard in the...
1/10/2022 10:48:11 AM Criminal Appeals Bulletin - Issue 55 By Paul Taylor KC Welcome to the January 2022 edition of the DSC Criminal Appeals Bulletin. The Bulletin is aimed at assisting those involved in appellate...
3/24/2021 11:32:32 AM Private prosecutions after the Post Office debacle By Rupert Bowers KC Tayyiba Bajwa Private criminal prosecutions, those brought in the criminal courts by corporate entities or individuals, have increased in recent years...
3/17/2021 12:00:00 AM Mental health disposals: A practical approach By Daniella Waddoup The Court of Appeal continues to grapple with the difficult and nuanced questions that arise in the sentencing of people with mental...
3/16/2021 12:00:00 AM The Exclusion Of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence: When a breach of the rules leads to evidence being excluded By Jonathan Lennon KC Many remand prisoners will have a considerable amount of time to ponder the evidence against them and conclude that some aspect of the...
2/24/2021 4:53:01 PM Discretionary Life Sentences – Setting the minimum term – ½ or 2/3 of the notional determinate sentence By James Wood KC James Wood QC discusses recent sentence appeals on minimum terms in discretionary life sentences. He assesses the likely impact of the...
9/14/2020 4:10:37 PM Hong Kong Appeals By James Wood KC James Wood QC reviews two recent Hong Kong judgments in which the Hong Kong High Court interpreted the Law of the Peoples Republic of...
7/18/2020 12:00:00 AM Disputed bad character evidence By Patrick O'Connor KC 1. Fichardo [2020] EWCA Crim 667 is the latest in a long line of authorities addressing the criteria for leave to cross-examine a witness...
5/7/2020 12:00:00 AM Guide to Coronavirus Offences. Help for the public, police and lawyers By Pippa Woodrow Kirsty Brimelow KC Recent weeks have seen a concerning trend of police overreach and casual criminalisation, often of young or other potentially vulnerable...
12/10/2019 12:00:00 AM Account freezing orders: at what cost? By Doughty Street Chambers Richard Fisher KC Last week, the National Crime Agency deployed account freezing orders to secure £190 million held in the UK. Malik Riaz, a property...
9/6/2019 12:00:00 AM Is abuse of process in historic sex abuse dead? By Doughty Street Chambers James Wood KC In this article James Wood QC considers some of the policy reasons which apparently lie behind an increasing willingness in the Court of...
7/4/2019 12:00:00 AM Is waste crime the “new narcotics”? Why the conviction of Biffa is important to criminal and regulatory lawyers - Insights from Christopher Sykes By Doughty Street Chambers Crime and punishment are common fodder for British newspapers. Offences of violence, sex, and dishonesty are the usual (and depressing)...