7/15/2019 11:35:35 AM Mental Health Tribunals, Reinstatement and Article 5 By Sophy Miles In JS V SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR JUSTICE [2019] UKUT 172 (AAC) Upper Tribunal Judge...
7/15/2019 12:00:00 AM Finally the new discount rate is announced.... By Theo Huckle KC Just a brief post on this to flag up the change for those who haven't yet seen it... the whole basis of PI settlements now changes... but...
7/4/2019 12:00:00 AM Is waste crime the “new narcotics”? Why the conviction of Biffa is important to criminal and regulatory lawyers - Insights from Christopher Sykes By Doughty Street Chambers Crime and punishment are common fodder for British newspapers. Offences of violence, sex, and dishonesty are the usual (and depressing)...
7/3/2019 1:33:42 PM Using freedom of thought to limit "surveillance capitalism"? By Susie Alegre Shoshana Zuboff's opinion piece in the Guardian highlights the challenges faced by lawmakers in tackling the all pervasive influence of...