7/26/2023 4:36:36 PM Private Parking Charges: Why Pay? By Rupert Bowers KC Introduction Receiving a private parking charge, usually referred to by the issuing company as a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) is now a...
7/25/2023 10:09:58 AM Appealcast by Paul Taylor KC and Maryam Mir – Episode 2: The Court of Appeal "checklist" for sentencing children and young people By Paul Taylor KC ZA - Sentencing children and young people The recent Court of Appeal Criminal Division judgement in ZA [2023] EWCA Crim 596 represents a...
7/20/2023 12:46:33 PM Is it time to re-assess the cab rank rule? By Patrick O'Connor KC Is it time to re-assess the cab rank rule? Patrick O'Connor K.C. for Counsel Magazine, July, 2023. In March, 2023, many lawyers,...
7/19/2023 8:15:36 PM How not to talk about capacity and mental illness By Alice Irving George Major (a protected party, by his litigation friend Katherine Gee) v Kalaivani Jaipal Kirishana [2023] EWHC 1593 (KB) per Justice...
7/7/2023 3:22:54 PM Maguire, Detention, and Article 2 Inquests By Cian Murphy Maguire [2023] UKSC 20 is the most recent, and highest, authority on the engagement of Article 2 ECHR in inquests. The Supreme Court’s...
7/4/2023 12:14:51 PM The Freedom to Hate By Rupert Bowers KC Omran Belhadi On 15 March 2019, Brenton Tarrant entered two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. He murdered 51 Muslim worshippers. His stated aim was...