1/30/2023 2:28:10 PM Westminster's allocations scheme unlawful By Zia Nabi Khayyat and another v Westminster City Council [2023] EWHC 30 (Admin) Summary A local housing authority is entitled to have a policy...
1/27/2023 1:17:30 PM Can Environmental Mediation save the Planet? By Associate Lawrence Kershen KC The conflict conundrum Conflict seems to arise more swiftly and with more intensity than ever before in our lifetimes. People form...
1/23/2023 5:51:45 PM MAKING MEDIATION MANDATORY - Tools and solutions to tricky questions By Amelia Nice The current literature and commentary on making mediation mandatory, identifies a number of tools by which the tricky issues identified...
1/20/2023 1:17:34 PM Podcast: Rupert Bowers KC talks to psychotherapist and author Julia Bueno about inner criticism and the law By Rupert Bowers KC Rupert Bowers KC talks to Julia Bueno, psychotherapist, author and previously a solicitor, about her book “Everyone’s a Critic” and how...
1/16/2023 1:33:50 PM Criminal Appeals Bulletin - Issue 59 By Paul Taylor KC Welcome to the January 2023 edition of the DSC Criminal Appeals Bulletin The Bulletin is aimed at assisting those involved in appellate...