5/29/2020 12:00:00 AM Open justice in Australia: a silver lining to the COVID-19 cloud? By Doughty Street Chambers Jennifer Robinson Matthew Lewis When the new legal term started in Australia in February, no one could have foreseen the impact of COVID-19 on our courts. Judges and...
5/27/2020 12:24:19 PM The new Immigration Bill-could it cause another Windrush Scandal? By Doughty Street Chambers Krishnendu Mukherjee This week the House of Commons heard the second reading of the Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2020...
5/27/2020 12:00:00 AM “Highly challenging, rapidly changing”: the GDC issues guidance for registrants during the pandemic By Doughty Street Chambers The GDC has released new guidance for registrants during the pandemic. The need for it partly arose from the wave of 22,000 registrants...
5/24/2020 12:00:00 AM Did Dominic Cummings act "Responsibly and Legally"? By Kirsty Brimelow KC Coronavirus has struck in different ways. As well as the devastation it has reaped in taking people's lives it has exposed an emasculated...
5/21/2020 12:00:00 AM Justice must be seen to be done: due process, broadcasting and politics in the Israeli courts By Beth Grossman Behind glass, and flanked by guards, Adolf Eichmann faced the judgment, of audiences around the world. On 11 April 1961, live from the...
5/19/2020 12:23:34 PM Group litigation – taking the lead By Martin Westgate KC Dominic Lis Waniso Lungowe & ors v Vedanta Resources PLC& anor [2020] EWHC 749 (TCC) gives important guidance on the position and role of...
5/19/2020 12:00:00 AM Watering down children's rights By Zimran Samuel This post, written by a member of the Doughty Street Chambers’ Children’s Rights Group, raises questions about the necessity and...
5/18/2020 12:00:00 AM Resumption of jury trials: an open justice “toolkit” By Doughty Street Chambers Clare Wisson For seven weeks Covid-19 shut the doors of jury trials in England and Wales. On 11th May 2020, the Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor...
5/12/2020 6:09:02 PM An Act for the App? Is the NHS contact app bad for your privacy? By Stephen Cragg KC Following the publication last week by the Joint Committee on Human Rights of its report on the proposed NHS App and the risk of adverse...
5/12/2020 12:00:00 AM Is Covid-19 a wake-up call for business practice? By Doughty Street Chambers Krishnendu Mukherjee The current Covid-19 pandemic has starkly highlighted the fact that the majority of the world’s population is dependent on globalised and...
5/8/2020 12:00:00 AM Children, coronavirus and international human rights By Oliver Lewis Zimran Samuel This article, written by two members of Doughty Street Chambers’ Children’s Rights Group, sets out recent guidance issued by UN bodies on...
5/7/2020 3:00:55 PM Don't stand so close to me...the new NHS App and the law By Stephen Cragg KC Human Rights and the Government’s Response to Covid-19: Digital Contact Tracing (7 May 2020) is the report of the parliamentary Joint...