12/22/2021 4:02:42 PM Deportation order does not terminate EU right to reside By Agata Patyna Simon Cox In Silva v SSHD, 11 November 2021, the High Court declared that a decision to deport under the Immigration (European Economic Area)...
12/15/2021 3:16:03 PM The COVID-19 Inquiry: Witnesses and Evidence By Amelia Nice Shanthi Sivakumaran Obtaining evidence Once the Inquiry is up and running with core staff it will begin the process of gathering evidence. The Inquiry team...
12/13/2021 1:12:07 PM Timed out? Time limits in employment discrimination cases under the Equality Act 2010 By Caragh Nimmo Yorkshire County Cricket Club recently settled an employment claim for race discrimination brought against it by former player Azeem...
12/1/2021 3:50:06 PM Azeem Rafiq: can “banter” ever be an excuse for racism? By Finnian Clarke In August 2020, Yorkshire County Cricket Club commissioned an independent inquiry after ex-player Azeem Rafiq raised allegations of...
11/26/2021 2:56:25 PM Core participants to the COVID-19 Inquiry By Amelia Nice Shanthi Sivakumaran As we set out in our previous article, issues that the Inquiry into the government’s response to COVID-19 might consider are...
11/24/2021 10:20:40 AM Capacity, sex and consent – the Supreme Court decision in Re JB By Mary-Rachel McCabe The Supreme Court has today handed down judgment in A Local Authority v JB (by his litigation friend, the Official Solicitor) [2021] UKSC...
10/20/2021 11:02:44 AM Sanctions Compliance for the Crypto World By Peter Caldwell Increased use of virtual currency as a payment method brings greater exposure to sanctions risks, whether in respect of UN and trade...
10/5/2021 11:47:30 AM Why the Everard Inquiry must look far beyond Wayne Couzens By Harriet Johnson When DCI Simon Harding said that police officers viewed Wayne Couzens not as a police officer who was a murderer but as “a murderer who...
9/28/2021 7:53:24 AM The long reach of the ECHR: Carter v Russia (20914/07), 21 September 2021 By Maya Sikand KC Adam Straw KC This was a successful claim against Russia regarding the killing of Alexander Litvinenko brought by his wife, Marina Litvinenko aka Maria...
8/16/2021 12:22:50 PM Police putting guns into the wrong hands, again: Firearms Licencing Policy once again in the dock By Alison Gerry The shocking and tragic deaths of 5 people shot by a man with a gun he was licenced to hold by the police is revealing a chillingly...
8/2/2021 12:00:24 PM The COVID-19 Inquiry: Some potential issues - Structure of a public inquiry By Amelia Nice This series of short articles reflects on some matters that may arise in relation to a public inquiry (or inquiries) into the...
7/27/2021 10:06:02 AM Let there be no future doubt about it? Children's rights in the UKSC By Donnchadh Greene When the unanimous judgment in R (SC) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2021] UKSC 26 was handed down, it felt like a bit of a...