9/27/2023 12:27:34 PM Dismissal from the Armed Forces: Why it’s worth fighting an Annex P notice By Karlia Lykourgou An abbreviated dismissal process is one where a member of the armed forces is served with an Annex P notice informing them of an...
9/13/2023 2:36:58 PM DSC CRIMINAL APPEALS BULLETIN By Paul Taylor KC The September issue of the Doughty Street Chambers Criminal Appeals Bulletin is now live. In this edition we analyse a selection of the...
9/4/2023 1:39:10 PM Suspended quashing orders and rolling judicial review as a means of monitoring compliance By Alice Irving The recent judgment of Chamberlain J in R (ECPAT UK) v Kent CC, SSHD [2023] EWHC 2199 (Admin) ('the ECPAT UK relief judgment') provides a...