7/7/2023 3:22:54 PM Maguire, Detention, and Article 2 Inquests By Cian Murphy Maguire [2023] UKSC 20 is the most recent, and highest, authority on the engagement of Article 2 ECHR in inquests. The Supreme Court’s...
3/24/2023 11:27:23 AM Dove (Part 2): Article 2 ECHR, Rabone, and Responsibility By Cian Murphy Last week the Court of Appeal gave judgment in Dove [2023] EWCA Civ 289, an appeal against the Divisional Court’s decision not to order a...
3/20/2023 2:28:30 PM Dove (Part 1): Jamieson Inquests, Causation, and Conclusions By Cian Murphy Last week the Court of Appeal gave judgment in Dove [2023] EWCA Civ 289, an appeal against the Divisional Court’s decision not to order a...
10/10/2022 12:13:55 PM What is Mediation and is it the right choice for you? – Doughty Street’s Mediators By Doughty Street Chambers Hear Doughty Street’s Mediators explain how the process of Mediation works, how this may benefit you or your clients, and the criteria...
10/5/2021 11:47:30 AM Why the Everard Inquiry must look far beyond Wayne Couzens By Harriet Johnson When DCI Simon Harding said that police officers viewed Wayne Couzens not as a police officer who was a murderer but as “a murderer who...
8/16/2021 12:22:50 PM Police putting guns into the wrong hands, again: Firearms Licencing Policy once again in the dock By Alison Gerry The shocking and tragic deaths of 5 people shot by a man with a gun he was licenced to hold by the police is revealing a chillingly...
8/2/2021 12:00:24 PM The COVID-19 Inquiry: Some potential issues - Structure of a public inquiry By Amelia Nice This series of short articles reflects on some matters that may arise in relation to a public inquiry (or inquiries) into the...
7/1/2021 9:59:28 AM The COVID-19 Inquiry: Some potential issues - Scope and terms of reference By Amelia Nice This series of short articles reflects on some matters that may arise in relation to a public inquiry (or inquiries) into the...