2/6/2023 12:26:03 PM Covert medication of persons lacking capacity: What guidance is there? By Aswini Weereratne KC Covert medication is the troubling practice of medicating a person without their knowledge because they have refused treatment considered...
11/7/2022 8:29:05 AM Tony Hickmott goes home By Oliver Lewis A loving family fighting his corner, scrutiny of the media and supervision by the Court of Protection have created the possibility of...
1/4/2022 7:45:58 PM Reducing mental health detention of people with autism and/or learning disabilities By Oliver Lewis On New Year's Day, the Sunday Times featured the story of 'A', a 24-year-old man with learning disabilities and autism who has been...
2/24/2021 1:51:54 PM Capacity and sexual relations: Fallout from Re JB By Sophy Miles In a judgment handed down on 23 February, Cobb J concluded that a young woman known as HD lacked capacity to engage in sexual relations ....
6/11/2020 12:00:00 AM Capacity, DOLS and Covid-19- Updated Guidance By Sophy Miles The Government has provided additional guidance on looking after those who may lack capacity in the pandemic. You can read it here....
4/3/2020 12:00:00 AM Coronavirus, contact, creativity and the CoP By Oliver Lewis On 2 April 2020, Hayden J published a judgment following a Skype hearing in the Court of Protection ("CoP") about contact with a person...
3/30/2020 7:21:05 PM Emergency coronavirus powers and people lacking mental capacity By Aswini Weereratne KC Sophy Miles A number of unprecedented powers to restrict and control our behaviour and freedom of movement have been introduced by the government in...
3/3/2020 12:00:00 AM Can 'best interests' decisions constitute torture? By Oliver Lewis The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has recently released a report about psychological torture. Nils Melzer, Professor of Law at the...