2/6/2023 3:37:43 PM Climate, Whistleblowing and Work event on 8 February 2023 By Finnian Clarke Margherita Cornaglia On 8 February 2023, Doughty Street Chambers will be hosting an event entitled “Climate, Whistleblowing and Work”. The event will be of...
1/27/2023 1:17:30 PM Can Environmental Mediation save the Planet? By Associate Lawrence Kershen KC The conflict conundrum Conflict seems to arise more swiftly and with more intensity than ever before in our lifetimes. People form...
5/7/2021 3:12:19 PM Trespassers won’t be prosecuted? What the acquittal of XR protestors tells us about the future of policing protests By Doughty Street Chambers The policing of protests has come under increasing focus this year. Last week’s acquittal of XR protestors in Liverpool Magistrates’...
12/11/2019 12:00:00 AM Climate change: is it time for a “Green New Deal” for human rights? By Margherita Cornaglia The European Commission today launches its “Green New Deal”. The Commission promises policies that will transform European economic...